Spiritual Counselling
Spiritual Guidance Sessions
Spiritual guidance sessions last for about an hour. In the session you describe the results you would like to experience—health, financial, relationship, creative expression, etc. Next, you and your practitioner explore, from a spiritual point of view, the changes in your thinking and belief system to help align you with your stated desire. Your practitioner then supports you through affirmative prayer (“spiritual mind treatment”) and by offering other spiritual practice suggestions.
Often, people make an appointment with a practitioner for spiritual support during a particularly challenging time. Others see a practitioner on a regular basis, as part of their ongoing spiritual well-being regimen. Sometimes, people see a practitioner on occasion for a “spiritual check-in,” or to express gratitude for their current blessings and to expand their sense of well-being. Your practitioner holds the content of your session in confidentiality.
Spiritual Practices
Simply put, a spiritual practice is one that supports your inward journey of self-exploration. They take us beyond the five senses to experience the Spirit, Heart or Soul within us.
There are many forms of spiritual practices, from meditation, affirmative prayer and yoga to Tai Chi, walking and hiking. Choose whatever works best for you.
Spiritual Tools
If you are seeking inspiration for your spiritual journey to true awakening, Celebrating Love Ministry provides easy-to-use tools to nurture your inner self/your soul, so that you can live an inspired, healthy and happy life.
Awaken your authentic self with Spiritual Mind Treatment, affirmations and meditation
Spiritual Mind Treatment
W e practice a form of affirmative prayer called “Spiritual Mind Treatment.” It is a practical tool that aligns our thoughts with all-good. Spiritual Mind Treatment is a powerful process that shifts our consciousness so that we are open and available to accept the good that is already present in our life.
If you like more information about this process..
- Recognition (Spirit/God Is All There Is)
- Unification (I Am One with Spirit/God)
- Realization (Speaking Your Desired Good)
- Thanksgiving (Grateful Acceptance) and
- Release (Let Go, Let God)
Spiritual Mind Treatment is a scientifically proven method of prayer. Spiritual Mind Treatments raise our awareness so that we see, feel and know our oneness with the Divine.
Here’s an example of the five steps in a Spiritual Mind Treatment
Recognition: Spirit is all there is and ever will be. Universal Oneness is at the very center of all of life.
Unification: I am a part of Universal Oneness. As I know this truth for myself, I am fully aware that Spirit is operating through me.
Realization: It is from my awareness of my oneness with all that I speak this word for perfect health in all areas of my life — right now.
Gratitude: Knowing that this word is already complete in the mind of Spirit, I give thanks. I am grateful for my health and wellbeing now.
Release: From this high vibration of gratitude I release my word to the perfect action of the Law. As I release this word, my word returns unto me completely and divinely fulfilled.
And so it is.
The secret of prayer and its power in the outward life depends upon an unconditioned faith in, and reliance upon this inner Presence.
– Dr. Ernest Holmes
To affirm is to declare that something is 100 percent true, and to stand in that truth – even in the face of all evidence to the contrary.
Here are several affirmations that you can use in your daily life.
For Abundance
I experience abundance in every area of my life. I have an abundance of money, time, friends and opportunity. I allow the abundance of the universe to flow to me and through me with ease and grace. I am grateful for my prosperous life.
For Forgiveness
I am willing to forgive myself for all past mistakes. I forgive friends and family that may have caused me discomfort and harm. As I forgive, I let go of all past resentments and I am free to live my life in peace, grace and joy.
M editation is a wonderful metaphysical practice that fosters a blissful state of being, relaxes you, provides mental clarity and helps you to tap into your intuitive nature. Meditation can be silent or guided. Incorporating a regular meditation practice in your life will help you connect to the power of the Divine that resides within. Many different meditation styles are available, you will find the one that suits you the best..
What Do You Want To Experience?
We’ve helped people become clear of a wide range of situations and manifest experiences and dreams including:
Professional Experiences:
- Financial freedom
- Becoming better Ministers
- Writing freely
- Manifesting business idea’s
- Designing courses
- Finding dream jobs in dream locations
Personal Experiences & Claims:
- Letting go of deep-seated belief patterns
- Maintaining loving relationships
- Moving through a divorce in harmony
- Eliminating weight and growing in Self-love
- Clearing stress and anxiety
- Improved sleep patterns
- Becoming observant
- Awaken to spiritual connection
- Raising self-esteem
And so much more.
We are certain, that if you’re ready and willing to take a deep look at yourself, your life, and what’s REALLY important to you – then we can definitely guide you in making some profound changes.
Spiritual Care Ministry
The Mission of this Spiritual Care Ministry is to bring a presence and message of love to anyone during times of health challenges, transition, and grieving.
If you would like spiritual support during a time of health challenge, please contact us. We are happy to visit you in person, or speak with you over the phone, to provide loving listening and prayer (spiritual mind treatment). Your requests and conversations are held in sacred confidentiality among the members of our Ministry.
Call and leave a message at 403 651-3397. We will get back to you as soon as we are able, usually within 24 hours.
Peer to Peer Support
T his modality is based on five fundamental beliefs about life:
- Everyone has the ability to learn and grow.
- People’s beliefs determine their behaviour.
- People think their way through life.
- Whatever people focus on, they give power to.
- Life’s experiences are the best teacher.
We are here to complement, not to take over, what other mental health care workers do so well.
Spiritual Guidance Fee* Structure:
*Membership prices available for Calgary Centres for Spiritual Living members
Full Guidance
- Full spiritual guidance session including specific spiritual practices, crafted for the individual and Spiritual Mind Treatment
- Spiritual Mind Treatment, in written or spoken form
Spiritual Care
- One hour of Spiritual Care visitations, includes home visits plus all 5 Hospitals in Calgary
P2P Support
- For Peer to Peer Support